Thursday, 24 November 2011

Acro Yoga with Nina & Boris

Nina & Boris are Acro Yoga teachers.

Nina & Boris

Acro Yoga is a blend between yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage, where the typical image you see is one person on the ground acting as a base with another person flying on his or her feet.

I wanted to try Acro Yoga, since I have many friends who enjoy it and also Nina & Boris were highly recommended to me by two of my friends who studied with them in Buenos Aires. The workshop was indeed conducted in a very welcoming manner, with lots of initiatives for everyone to participate, to trust each other and to build a group: singing to the honour of Ganesha (the elephant-headed remover of obstacles), lead-and-follow games, leaning away form each other while sharing axis, spotting a friend who does a tripod headstand, etc.

The sense of trust is very important in Acro Yoga, since the flyer could fall if sufficient care is not taken. Usually you will be three people when practising: one base, one flyer and one spotter. As much instructions were given on how to spot as on how to be the base or the flyer.

Together Nina & Boris can present an impressive range of experiences: yoga, dance, circus, theatre, kung fu, Thai massage... They intoduced us to two different flavours of Acro Yoga:

  1. In the morning we did the acrobatic version, where the person who is flying keeps an active body and sometimes performs yoga postures. The pictures below, where I am flying, are illustrating this.
  2. In the afternoon we first learned some Thai massage and then got to try the more therapeutic version of Acro Yoga, where the base is giving a massage and the flyer has a relaxed body.

Flying high

An intricate system of support
Thanks to Boris for taking these pictures!

Nina is Swedish but has been living abroad for the last 7 years, so she was very happy to have someone to speak Swedish to. Boris needs to learn too, since the two of them will be moving to Malmö in April next year. They are obviously very good community builders, so I think we will see a quickly growing kula of Acro Yoga in Malmö going forward.

1 comment:

  1. With all styles of yoga becoming increasingly popular, it's hard to remember what's what. Here is a style of yoga so completely unique that it will have you coming back for more again and again. Rather than standing in one position breathing, really use your flexibility and even learn to fly.
