Wednesday 10 February 2010

Heart Qualities

Heart qualities is a big concept in Anusara Yoga. These are virtues that often are used as the theme for an individual Anusara class .Examples of heart qualities are courage, acceptance, unconditional love, contentment, creativity, forgiveness and enthusiasm.

One of our tasks for Immersion II is to find a heart quality that we would like to cultivate during the week. My idea was that I wanted to find something that I could work on both at a physical level in the classes, and at a mental level throughout the whole days. I chose SOFTNESS.

“Soften your heart” is a very common phrase during our asana sessions here, which means that the chest should relax forwards and upwards, so that there is more opening and freedom in the chest, and more support from the back since the shoulderblades slide onto the back.

In relations with other people, softness is liked to kindness and consideration. These are easy to express towards persons you like a lot, but to be soft and gentle with everyone is harder. I think that people would generally say that I'm a soft person, but I know that I am not soft and gentle in every situation, so there's room for improvement. Here's my current state of softness (the green spot is probably just a reflection in my lens and not my heart chakra shining through):

The fact that I'm writing about my choice of heart quality on this blog makes my choice more powerful. Also speaking with friends about it strengthens my commitment to work on softness. This power of the words is called namadea in sanskrit. The higher you speak, the more powerful it will become. I can start by saying it to myself, then perhaps writing it down for myself, then telling a friend, then speaking about it in a larger group of people. So here it is on my blog: The heart quality of softness, or mridu in sanskrit, is something I will keep in mind during the coming week.

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